Photo: Chevy Camaro 2010
Steps To Choosing A Wife
- Get the specs, e.g. vital statistics such as height, weight, body measurements, etc.
- Look under the hood. e.g. Is she "clean"? A blood test should answer this. Hehe...
- Test drive before buying to see how well she performs. Find the one with the best ride. (Use your imagination on this one. Hehehe...)
- Take a look at the accessories, i.e. big breasts, long legs, tiny waist, nice butt, etc.
- Check the cost of maintenance. Maintenance costs can kill you, after all. Hah!
- Evaluate after-sales service, e.g. how well she cooks and otherwise takes care of you, the house, and future children.
Hahaha! What else did I miss? ;D
You missed this very important quality a woman should have. She should have Jesus in her life. Otherwise, she will be a pain in the ass. Wee... It really means a lot.
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